How often should I get my shears sharpened?
It depends on a number of factors. Manufacturers typically recommend 6-9 months and sometimes a year between sharpening. We think those numbers are optimistic. We recommend 3-6 months depending on usage. True convexed edges are very delicate. They dull quicker and damage easier than a beveled edge. Your beveled edged shears may go much longer between sharpening, depending on usage. The bottom line is if you feel you are “working” the shears harder than normal to do the job you probably need a service. Pushing hair is a sure sign that it’s time to sharpen. Do not continue to use your shears if they have a nick.
How many times can my shears be sharpened?
Quality shears can be sharpened many times and should last many years. How many times they can be sharpened depends on how well they are taken care of and who is doing the work. A trained technician knows that less metal removal is best when it comes to sharpening shears. Many do not know how to achieve this ideal situation. Who you choose to maintain your shears over time will be the most important factor in the life expectancy of your instruments. Nicked or neglected blades will reduce the useful life of your shears.
How do I set my tension?
Setting tension is a simple operation that should be performed each day at the beginning of your shift. Holding your shear by the thumb ring point them straight up vertical ( | ). Now, lift the finger blade to a straight horizontal position ( --- ) to form a “T” or a cross ( + ) with your blades. Now, let the finger blade drop. Your shears should close about ½ way. If they slam shut, they are too loose and will likely fold hair. If they do not drop at all they may be too tight causing them to dull quicker. Your shears should cut with little or no effort beyond moving the blades open and closed. tension is a personal preference but if they fold the hair they are too loose. When adjusting remember "righty tighty, lefty loosey"
My shears have a nick in them. Can I continue to use them?
We recommend NOT continuing to cut with damaged shears. Just a few reasons: (1) The damaged area will continue to get larger. Most can be fixed but the more metal we have to remove, the more the “life” of the shear is shortened. (2) The damaged area is likely to pull hair making for an uncomfortable experience for your client. Finally, the damaged area will affect the function of the blades in other areas. For example, it may push the blades apart causing them to fold hair in a different part of the cut. There are other reasons, but 1 & 2 should give you cause to call BJ’s for a service.
My shears are bent. Can you fix them?
Short answer: Sometimes. Re-setting scissors is an art as much as a science. Cast shears very likely will break in the process so we will not attempt to reset them. Most forged blades on the other hand can be reset and repaired by a trained technician. BJ’s technician is trained and experienced in the re-setting process and can repair most forged shears. We evaluate this on a case by case basis.
Can you sharpen thinners, texturizers and chunkers?
Absolutely yes! Toothed blades do require some special treatment to ensure that they function properly after sharpening. The straight blade is sharpened like any other scissor blade. Beware of anyone who wants to sharpen only the straight blade. For proper service, both blades need to be addressed.
For additional questions about your shears you can contact us at 360-521-9967